Connecticut State Legislature Passes Gun Control Bill Aimed at Protecting Victims of Domestic Violence   USA Today is reporting that Connecticut has passed gun control for individuals presented with a temporary restraining order.  When the temporary restraining order is put in place it can take several weeks before you are able to get in front of a judge to either have a permanent order put in place or…

Your mobile phone is tracking you

You probably know your phone can pinpoint your location for GPS, local search, or the weather. Hopefully, you also know that means your phone keeps track of everywhere you go, all the time.  Authorities love this as they can track you and many police officers have said they have proved guilt or innocence by using…

Hillary Clinton and “The Australian Example”

Hillary is not a friend to The People.  She is as unAmerican as a politician can get.  She actually seriously considers the “Australian Example” as a viable solution to gun violence.  I’m here to tell you that she is NOT Presidential Material.  As far as I’m concerned, if she likes the “Australian Example” so much…

Are you a “U.S. citizen”?

Before I post much more, I want to say that some of the things I will say in my postings will seem racist on the face of what’s said.  I want to make it clear that I am NOT a racist.  Unfortunately, however, our Founding Fathers very much were.  People of color were not seen…

Fear and Tyranny

Do you fear the US Federal Government?  If not, you’re either very rich or very stupid, perhaps both.  It doesn’t work for you.  It doesn’t work for The People.  It’s run entirely by greedy, self-serving politicians that work for Big Business and foreign interests.  It is decidedly NOT YOUR government.  It’s been usurped and corrupted at…

September 17th, 1787

September 17th, 1787.  This was the day the Constitution of the United States of America was adopted and then ratified only a year later. Since that time, that document and our people have been under pervasive and relentless attack from powers the world over, and those powers have won. Our Constitution has become a relic…